The parishioners of Holy Ascension were blessed on Sunday, July 21, both to welcome His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, and to perform our annual blessing of the vehicles. Vladyka was with us both for Vespers on Saturday, as well as Sunday Liturgy, and to preside over the blessing. Fire departments, ambulances and other vehicles from nearby emergency services and other local individuals and institutions were brought in to be blessed. Afterward, parish faithful and His Eminence joined many of the first responders in the social hall to enjoy a wonderful fellowship meal prepared by members of the church.
Holy Ascension Hosts Frackville Deanery Meeting - 12/13/2023
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Holy Ascension Welcomes New Catechumen - 03/26/2022
“Attend, O heaven, and I shall speak; give ear, O earth, to the voice of one
who repents before God…” (G. Canon of St. Andrew)
This past Sunday, Mar 26, 2023, Holy Ascension parish rejoiced and was
blessed to welcome the new catechumen, Austin Roman. Austin has been
attending our parish for about a year, and was ready to make his first step
into the Orthodox Church. Please keep Austin in your prayers, as he is
being catechized and is preparing for Holy Baptism.
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Mission Vespers at Holy Ascension - 03/12/2023
“Behold now, what is so good or so joyous as for brethren to dwell together in unity?”
Psalm 132
Orthodox parishes in the Pennsylvania Coal Region have the great blessing and joy this year to restore their tradition of having mission vespers on Sunday evenings during the Great Lent. The first mission vespers was served in Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Frackville, PA.
Holy Ascension parish, as well as clergy and faithful from other parishes, were honored and delighted to welcome our diocesan Father and Hierarch, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark on this occasion. We are also grateful to our local clergy who participated: Archpriest John Onofrey, who as usual did a great job directing the choir, Archpriest James Weremedic and Priest Joseph Ramishvili, who offered the homily at the end of the service; as well as clergy from other jurisdictions: Archpriest Edward Hughes and Priest Aleksey Paranyuk. It was great joy to welcome faithful from other Orthodox parishes in the area as well.
Following Vespers clergy and faithful, together with the Archbishop, stayed for dinner and fellowship. May God grant many years to all parishioners of Holy Ascension parish who worked hard to prepare this event.
The hope and prayer is that this tradition will live and grow in the years to come.
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Fr. James and Matushka Natalie Jadick Awarded Gramota - 02/26/2023
By the grace of God and with the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, Archpriest James and Matushka Natalie Jadick received the Diocesan Gramota for their service to the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania and especially for their ministry in the Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Frackville, PA, that lasted over a decade.
Father and Matushka received it and were welcomed by the Holy Ascension parish on the Sunday of Forgiveness, Feb 26, 2023. Priest Vjekoslav, on the behalf of the Diocese, presented them the Gramota following Liturgy. Forgiveness Vespers was served immediately after and was followed by a luncheon in honor of Father James and Matushka Natalie.
Holy Ascension parishioners, as well as the new priest and his family, were glad to welcome their former rector and matushka, and to show their love, support and appreciation for their service to this parish. May our Lord God grant them many blessed and peaceful years in their retirement.
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